Saturday, October 31, 2009

Art First

I am an artist. I do things like stop in the middle of the sidewalk to stare at the spaces between tree branches. Yesterday I spent three hours in the early morning printing my lithograph with my professor for Print I, and, as I am a messy person, needed a bath after classes ended. In the shower I noticed that my arm had 2 intersecting lines of ink that had smudged in a very interesting way. Thinking it was a noteworthy design that I could probably recreate to good effect in a monotype, I automatically washed everything but that area so I could reference it later.
Then realized what I'd done, and nearly hurt myself laughing.
I am an artist, and I think the fumes are getting to me.

1 comment:

Java said...

You are vurry vurry funneh. It's one of the things about you which I love. :)