Saturday, November 15, 2008

I have POT (s)!!!!

Not the psychoactive drug, CERAMICS!!!! (which are much better, IMHO).
And if I can get my computer to cooperate, you will have full-color pictures of what work of mine has come out of the glaze kiln.

This is my pitcher, in very poor light (unfortunately the only type I have, so the colors on these are rather washed-out on all the pots). The glaze on the top is Bauer Clear, and the bottom is True Blue, which crawled a lot on the bottom. It looks nifty:This is my baby. This is an extra credit project from an idea that came to me while reading a fanfic. My cababbage baby has taken on a life of its own and taken over my mind, and I'm currently working on 3 other pieces using the cabbage theme that will go with the teapot, 2 of which actually fulfill a project requirement (salt and pepper shakers). It is a functional piece, and hold about 3.5 cups of water. The glaze is Mauve all over, including the interior, and it broke wonderfully over the surface to give a range from almost white-green thru sage to a reddish-purple. My baby, and it's definitely going into my BFA evaluation next year.

These are my two reverse-glazed matching cups. The light, as I said, is REALLY poor, but the cup sitting up has Bauer Clear over the body and interior and Celadon on the handle, and the one I'm holding has the reverse. There's a little cube in the bottom of the Celadon-bodied cup, a fortuitous accident that came from playing around in the studio when Mum came one day.
Both glazes crackled, and look really cool.

I'm currently working on some more cups, and would like to continue in this series, though getting the foot on this style to behave was a bugger and has killed 2 other attempts.

MINIMINIMINI!!!! *cough* erm, I'm good now.
This is the model for my large pitcher, and one of the first pinch pots I made (actually, I think it was the first). Both have Iron Blue on the outside/bottom, and the mini has Bauer Clear on the top and inside (yeah, I used a lot of Bauer Clear. It is calm and neutral enough to go very well with a lot of things). The glaze on the inside of the pinch pot is allegedly Rhodes White, but someone had added red iron oxide to it in mixing, so it's not the color on the sample. I still really like it; it has a certain 'sandy' look to it, and it's not as high a gloss as a lot of the other

Here are two pots, one of which APARENTLY reveals very Freudian insights to my subconscious. The first thing Monkey's Big Sis said when she saw it was, "Oh my gawd, it's a vagina!" And then she proceeded to rant about the vagina pot for rather a while. I thought it was just her, and that she was stuck on vaginas since she accidentally signed "eating vagina" in ASL in an improv show last year when she meant "eating pizza." Another said it looked like a lemon, but I asked yet another friend of mine tonight (a student in the program for students over 24, who's been a good friend since I arrived), and all she did was close her eyes tightly and tell me I really shouldn't ask a lesbian. Well, phoo. The outside of the 'vagina-pot' is the screwy Rhodes White, and the inside is Tessha (which looks really cool while you stir it!). The flowery pinch pot is True Blue on the inside, Bauer Clear on the outside. The cobalt in the True Blue on either this piece or another nearby floated onto the outside, so the Bauer Clear has an interesting bluish tint, especially on one side.

The best part of all of this? I get a GRADE to do this! I get graded on having fun, learning how to do even more fun and imaginative stuff, experimenting with color and forms...and if everybody has a different answer, they can still all be right!!! This is awesome!
Clay is my crack.



Self said...

I heart your clay crack! It is very fun. I to love to ger graded for things like disections, yep, yep.

Java said...

Did my pot get fired?
I look forward to seeing these in real life, truer light. It's hard to tell what they really look like in these photos.
Don't let your clay crack, dear. :)

Brilliant or Something said...

It has been bisque fired, and I glazed it with Tessha and a new one called Pete's Tasty Tomato that looks really cool. We'll see what they look like after the next firing, which hopefully will be before winter break.
Clay crack good, cracked clay bad. :P