Friday, January 18, 2008

1+1=2? Never!

Monkey has a tendency to be very bright, and more far-seeing than I, particularly where I am concerned, so one would think that I'd listen to her, wouldn't one?
She told me to take my sleep meds with me on the trip home, but nooo, I'm not getting up for class in the morning, so why on earth should I take the thing that helps me get to sleep in the first place, especially since I have trouble sleeping when switching environments?
Again: gun, foot, bang.

However, I have learned some from previous restless nights, and carry earplugs with my in the Tank (my purse, spawn of an unholy union between a black hole and a button factory). They finally helped with the sleep. Then came the dreams.
Holy crap, some days I wish I could record my dreams and watch them again just so I could get a more cohesive grasp of the gnarled plot lines. Then write them down. But on an interesting note, a lesbian couple of whom I was (sometimes) part made its first appearance in my dreams, even if it seemed like one of the girls was trying to kill the other for the first half thereof.
And I think "Sweeney Todd" had a rather interesting after effect on my mental nighttime wanderings... mainly through the rather bloody sprouting of pointy objects in my poor main characters through one violent fashion or another.

OK, I have no idea whether that made any sense or not, and it is barely past 9 P.M.
Bon nuit
~Brilliant (-ly disturbed)


Java said...

The demonspawn screaming at each other in front of your bedroom door at 8:00 this morning... did that have any effect on your sleep, dear? I told them in that mean quiet voice of mine to stop screaming. Gave 'em the evil eye, too. Then I took the Diva to daycare. :-)

Brilliant or Something said...

Earplugs. I felt them more than I heard them. House could use a few more supports under the kitchen....
God bless daycare.