Friday, December 7, 2007

I am a lazybum!

...or so the Monkey readily and routinely informs me. She has been sure to do so recently, typically followed by "It's hip-high!" The pronoun antecedent there is my laundry pile. I have reached the point in my laundry 'cycle' where I am almost out of socks something that sould be difficult to do when you own about 60 pairs. It takes an hour and 40 minutes to complete a full load of laundry on the machines here, and although the washers are free and economy sized, I still have about 4 or 5 loads to do. As Monkey says...Lazybum!
I finished my last class today, so all I have left are exams (hunh, 'all'), so today and tomorrow are laundry days. I currently can't access my closet.... I finally got Monkey her Christmas present and 'hid' it in there!
You know, though, the benefit of attending a women's college is that pretty much nobody gives a rat's ass whether you come to class in a pantsuit and pearls or pyjamas and gnarly hair. I get the impression that quite a few of the girls don't change out of PJs unless they have to go off campus pretty much. ^__^

I have an extremely labor-intensive painting project due on the 13th. I think that by the end of my sophomore/early junior year, I'll have moved into the art building.

In continuing with my apparent theme of utterly random info blurbs, Monkey wrote a paper for a religion class illustrating how a sculpture, song, or other work of art (medieval/Renaissance) interpreted a book of the New Testament, and my wonderful science major person complained bitterly about "that's what I get for getting a liberal arts education" when she realized that she had basically waxed eloquent about a sculpture for 3 pages. I think it took me that many minutes to stop laughing at her.

I will probably put more up later when I should be studying Precal or yogic concepts (shrivels and dies)...and am being a lazybum instead.
~Brilliant (or Something)


Java said...

Maybe one day the Monkey will appreciate a liberal arts education. One would be amazed at how useful is the craft/skill of waxing eloquent over some bullshit or another.

Good luck with the laundry. There are loads and loads to do here, but I'm hiding.

Concolor said...

She's right about the loads and loads situation. However, the majority of the clothes currently clogging the laundry room belong to SHOREY. Those two wear WAAAAAAY too many clothes. They account for more than half of the laundry that gets done around here.

Brilliant or Something said...

I did three loads last night and am still having to *climb* into my closet. And yes, the washers at home are comparable in size to those at home.
(and whee, I get comments!)