Sunday, December 9, 2007

More procrastination

It occurred to me to put something else up here while waiting for my final project to dry more (instead of studying for tomorrow's Yoga final....If I don't know what the benefits of Badhanguliasana are now, I doubt that 20 extra minutes of studying will help a whole hell of a lot) I should put up more random junk here that pretty much no one outside the people mentioned on it read.
I hate shopping for Christmas presents. I had to go to the College Town mall yesterday to get a present for my upperclass(wo)man mentor-person (she rules. Totally.). Any excursion off-campus takes almost as much planning as the military invasion of another country. I have no car. The car I drove at home was an unmitigated piece of shit and when I left would only accelerate over 35mph with a strong tailwind on a downhill slope (don't get me started on how many times I got honked at on either of the 2 -read them, 2- basic ways from our house to WalMart.) I could vent my spleen on that P.O.C. vehicular device until the next coming, but today I shall stop with I have no car here. *cries*
However, Monkey does poses (via parental units) a vehicle, and was willing to, yesterday, venture into parts infrequently traveled to assist me in the procurement of said gift. We arrive at the mall, go inside, and I immediately want to either find a nice, quiet bookstore or leave ASAP; however, Monkey had made me promise to not let her into any bookstores, so that option was out of the question. (Neither of us would leave for a few hours...she literally had to drag/push me out of the local B&N last time we went). Thankfully, we found the Bath & Body Works in the mall quickly (and no bookstore had yet reared its distracting, lovely head) and went in to get a gift.
Frickin'. Holiday. Shoppers! I seriously had to dodge around tables to avoid the hordes, walk stop-go behind people who stand on the other side of the aisle from the merchandise at which they look, and once I got my stuff was prevented from exiting by two guys (around 16 and 12, I'd guess) goofing around with sprays/lotions.
I hate holiday shopping. Last year I took the Hyperactive Hypersonic Demonspawn (8 at the time) to WalMart so that 'he' could get his Christmas shopping done (read: So that he could bounce like a BB in a boxcar off of everything/one and ask for a treat while I got presents to label in his name). on the 23rd of December!!! I am bloody suicidal. This year I am not at home (though I doubt the Dibbuns/Mum have presents prepped this early) and I got all shopping DONE save the one thing that needs to be bought fresh. (I do, however, still have to make rather a lot of biscotti for some friends here for whom I either could think of no present or could not afford a present).
Also, EGADS, the idiots to whom driver's licenses are issued! There should be reissued tests at regular periods to prevent people who should not be from driving. Of course, I also think there should be parenting licenses. (more on that later).

My back hurts. This chair is SO NOT ergo dynamic. Wood, pokey-into-backey, but it does rock! I think I'll need chiropractic help before I am 30. That, or a knee replacement. Ow. I just want to go home and sleep now. I still need to take exams (4 and a 'final critique') and pack...and make sure that I'm not leaving any food in the fridge or dishes around the room.
I did do three loads of laundry last night, and now it is actually possible to get to my closet...if you climb over the remaining laundry. I might need to cut out some clothes...
DINNERTIME! oh, Monkey's "5 Minutes 'Til Food" alarm went off. It's honestly not that good. I routinely make better, if not necessarily better of the same (without the gastro-intestinal side effects) at home.

I showed the Monkey my blog, at her insistence. Reading along, I noticed rather a few typos, mostly in the Oxycodone-influenced posts, but for those that exist, I am sorry. Most days I am just too bloody lazy to reread what I have written. Also, Monkey said she could hear me reading what was written...she says it means she's been hanging out with me too long. Fiddlesticks!
Au revoir.
~Brilliant (or Something)

1 comment:

Java said...

I love your writing. It is more of that "other half of your brain" stuff. Because you write and talk the way I talk (and write, sometimes). Hang on, I'm confusing myself. Nevermind. Go back to your life, citizen.
Love ya'